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Buy a custom fire extinguisher

Leave free your imagination ... Create, draw or choose some photos for an original jumble ...

Tell us how you want to "dress up" your Fire Design and we will do it for you.

You have a company and you wish to thank collaborators, customers or you organize an event that will make sensation ...

Why not create a Fire design in your colors?

Thus, your image will quickly be associated with security and protection but also with the original and innovative aspect of Fire design.


How to do ? It is very simple

For the creation of your personal Fire Design, we ask you to provide us with visuals and / or documents scanned in high definition.

An estimate will then be established according to your request.

Once the model is realized, we will send you a document which will be a faithful reproduction of your future Fire Design personalized

As soon as the document is signed, no changes will be possible.

The delivery time will be according to the complexity of the realization that will demand.

Fire design adapts to your desires.

We offer several stages of personalization:

  1. Changing colors of an existing model
  2. Creating a template with your text
  3. Creating your Device with your company logo or image
  4. Creation of your device to your colors (choice of your color of tank subjected to a minimum of 200 units)

For that, nothing more simple: Contact our Studio Graphic ( Or by telephone (+33) 1 48 86 68 60 And we will tell you what to do.